Learning Solutions 2021
Learning Solutions Digital Experience is the learning and development event that is sharing what really works in our industry today. This high-energy, 2-week event explores the full spectrum of L&D, leaving you with new ideas, inspiration, and solutions you can immediately use to transform your work. Join us May 3 – 14, 2021 for two unforgettable weeks of learning, connecting, and sharing what works!
JD is presenting an education session during Learning Solutions:
Ruthless – AI and the Not-So-Distant Future of Learning.
Time. It’s the biggest barrier to effective workplace learning. Skill development takes time, but this reality clashes with operational priorities. Employees don’t have time to engage in learning activities because they are focused on their day-to-day work. L&D doesn’t have time to address every challenge the organization is facing yet alone the pile of requests they receive from stakeholders. No one can create more time. Time can be leveraged differently with improved prioritization and resourcing. However, until every business puts learning at the top of its strategic list, time will continue to be a major obstacle to L&D effectiveness. L&D must reimagine it’s practices within the context of the modern workplace and apply new tactics that will finally mitigate the challenge of time.