Hi! I'm JD, and I've been applying artificial intelligence (AI) in my practices for 10+ years as an L&D pro, advisor and technologist. Through my work with Axonify and LearnGeek, I help L&D and EX professionals adopt an AI-enabled mindset as they explore new ways to enable people through modern technology.

LearnGeek AI

Get advice on your modern learning practices from my custom GPT. LearnGeek AI is trained on 10+ years of my content, insights and experience, including The Modern Learning EcosystemIt's just like chatting with me - Back to the Future references included! 

ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.

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AI @ Work Magazine

I curate the latest news and insights on how AI is transforming the workplace in my AI @ Work magazine.

Read the latest headlines, explore new ideas for advancing your practices and keep up with the breakneck pace of digital innovation - without getting lost in the hype and FOMO! 



The Modern Learning Ecosystem - A New L&D Mindset for the Ever-Changing Workplace is my practical, humorous, personal take on the role L&D must play in building disruption-ready organizations. 

Now continue the story with a brand new chapter exploring the potential for AI to improve the human experience of learning at work along with the steps L&D pros must take to prepare for this seismic shift.

Synthetic people - avatars - are the latest trend in AI-enabled content development. Will avatars become a staple of digital production, or are they a solution in search of a problem?

I explored the role AI avatars may play in the future of content development as part of my LearnGeek BIG QUESTION YouTube series

This video includes examples from HeyGen, ElevenLabs and Synthesia.

Title slide for Harness AI to Transform Your Learning Ecosystem from LearnGeek

AI is transforming how L&D professionals work. We can generate courses from source materials in minutes and translate content into dozens of languages with a single click. AI-powered technology is helping us solve familiar problems faster and more efficiently. But this is just the beginning!

In this presentation, I explore L&D's reimagined role within the AI-enabled workplace and how we can leverage a new generation of technology to amplify subject matter experts, keep pace with operational change and foster equitable learning experiences.

Doug and Sam discuss my upcoming book - The Frontline Enablement Handbook - on the At Work Podcast.

But here's the thing ... Doug and Sam aren't real. This conversation was generated with Google's NotebookLM based on source information from the book website. The thumbnail image was created with ChatGPT. 

It's not the most engaging podcast conversation ever - but it's still super impressive, especially given how much relevant information was added by the AI to improve the discussion. 

I shared my AI story with hundreds of L&D pros at ATD24 in New Orleans in May 2024. We explored the evolving role of L&D in the AI-enabled workplace. Rather than focus on technology, we discussed the strategic shifts L&D must make now to prepare to support the next version of work.

Unfortunately, we only had 60 minutes to cover the FUTURE OF OUR PROFESSION! So my digital avatar and cohost - LearnGeek AI - promised that I would answer every question submitted during the session on YouTube. 

Watch as I speak multiple languages thanks to my AI-powered hat! Actually ... my sudden linguistic skills are all thanks to HeyGen, an AI-enabled video authoring platform.

I recorded the original video in English. HeyGen translated my voice and facial movements into Spanish and French. I cut the clips together to create the live translation effect. It's not perfect ... but it's still super impressive.

While preparing for a webinar on AI-powered content authoring with Axonify, I asked my partner at Vyond to animate a chapter of my book - The Modern Learning Ecosystem - using their Vyond Go AI-powered video creator.

Here's what it made ... in 40 seconds ... without any edits ... based on 4000 characters of text from MLE Chapter 6: Reinforcement. Pretty cool, right?!?!

I invited a very special guest to join me on In The Know to discuss the benefits and risks of AI in the workplace. Watch as I talk about AI with AI.

That's right! My guest is an artificial person generated using ChatGPT and Synthesia. Together, we explore a range of AI workplace applications, from recruiting and training to engagement and talent mobility. I also explain how we put this episode together and highlight the questions you MUST ask before introducing AI-enabled tech in your organization.

LearnGeek core tech principles

A guide for making people-focused decisions as we apply digital tools
to transform the learning and working experience. 



We show people how tech impacts them. 



We skip the hype and solve real problems.



We fit tech into the everyday workflow.



We ensure everyone can do their best.



We play by the rules and avoid adding risk.

And finally ... some humorous (and insightful) perspectives on AI ...